Copyright Registration By Our Attorney in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Karachi, and Lahore
Copyrights are important, especially when it comes to protecting your intellectual property. If you’re the owner of a Copyright, it’s important to make sure that you’re properly registering it so that other people don’t infringe on your rights. Copyright Registration can be a lot of work, but our experts in Karachi and Rawalpindi are here to help. Contact us today to get started on your Copyright Registration process by calling (+92) 316 66 44 789 or through our website
Meaning of Copyright
The meaning of Copyright, “What is Copyright? “, “How can I secure my Copyright?”, “Copyright infringement”, “Copyright logo” or “Copyright sign”, etc, are queries we hear daily, so we thought to explain them in simple terms. In this section, you will find answers to a number of questions regarding Copyright and Copyright law.

Lawyers providing Copyright Registration services in Karachi-Islamabad, Pakistan:
Copyright Registration, infringement, and claims are discussed here for information. Pakistani Copyright Law controls Copyright infringements well. In Pakistan, Copyright infringement is governed by the Copyright Act. With our senior intellectual property lawyers in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad/Rawalpindi, Pakistan, you can protect your precious and exclusive artwork.
Copyright: What is it?
A Copyright gives an author or creator the right to control how their work is used. Your Copyright law provides you with the same rights in relation to an original work you create as you do in relation to information about yourself. Originally, the term was used to protect the rights of authors in their original works in English common law. The Copyright Act was later incorporated into Pakistani federal law, allowing authors to retain exclusive rights to their creations for 14 years with the option to renew them for an additional 14 years. As one of the key pillars of intellectual property law in Pakistan, Copyright protects everything from music and movies to paintings and texts, both published and unpublished.
Karachi, Islamabad & Lahore (Pakistan) Copyright Lawyers & Attorneys
Please visit our office No. M-51, M-52, Muneer Mobile Mall, Near Perfume Chowk Jauhar Chowrangi, Block 17, Gulistan-e-Jauhar, Karachi, Pakistan if you intend to register a Copyright. If you require Copyright Registration services in Islamabad, you can visit our Islamabad office at Suite No.5 The Laraib Centre, 2nd Floor, Mangla Road, Karachi Company, G-9 Markaz, Islamabad Pakistan, or if you are looking for our Copyright lawyers/attorneys in Lahore, you may visit our Lahore Office No.96, next to the main gate, Model Town Courts, Lahore, Pakistan. Soon, we will establish offices in Multan, Faisalabad, Sargodha, and Peshawar (Insha Allah).

What is the need for Copyright Registration in Pakistan?
Want to protect your exclusive work with Copyright Registration?
As a group of experienced intellectual property lawyers, we have helped many people register their Copyright for their intellectual property creations.
The most sought-after practice of our team is Copyright Registration
We offer expert Copyright attorneys and senior intellectual property lawyers to help you obtain your Copyright protection. As a law firm, we offer a wide range of services, including Copyright Registration.
Our expertise hasn’t earned us a Pulitzer Prize!
There are so many Copyright Registration firms out there, and they all claim to be the best. To be honest, we haven’t handled most of their cases. We haven’t won a Pulitzer prize or been recognized for our work. Nevertheless, we continue to be your best option for Copyright Registration when it comes to protecting your rights at the moment.
Protect Your Work with Copyright Registration!
Protecting your work requires Copyright Registration. It proves that it belongs to you without a doubt. In addition to protecting you from plagiarism, it gives you the power to stop infringers from abusing your Copyright.
Preparation for Copyright Registration is time-consuming and extensive
Copyright Registration is not an easy task. Time-consuming, complex, and extensive preparation is required. It can be expensive to hire an expensive lawyer, but you have to do it right. Copyrighted works must be properly registered with the Copyright Office in order to provide full legal protection against infringement if someone steals them and claims them for their own. We will guide you through the process of Copyright Registration and provide you with the right advice.
Copyright Registration Requirements
Copyright Registration in Pakistan is governed by statutes enforced by the government’s intellectual property office. The following information can be useful for those involved in Copyright Registration. Among the works that can be protected by Copyright Registration are:
A literary work, an artistic work, a record work, a book, a magazine, a journal, a lecture, a computer program, and a compilation of data. As well as artistic works such as maps, paintings, calligraphy, architectural works, and photographs, record works include sound recordings, musical works, and videotapes.

Pakistani Copyright Registration Process
The process of Copyright Registration in Pakistan may be of interest to you if you want to protect a work. We will discuss the requirements, application process, and costs here. As soon as we’ve discussed the costs, we’ll discuss what’s involved and how long it takes to register a Copyrighted work. You can use this information to make the right decision about your Copyright work. Hope it will be helpful to you.
Infringement of Copyright
- In Pakistan, Copyright laws protect the rights of creators and owners of Copyrighted works by granting them exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, perform, display, license, or prepare derivative works.
- An infringement occurs when a third party (someone other than the Copyright owner) copies, distributes, displays, or creates a derivative work without permission.
The Copyright sign
You can use the Copyright symbol, the word “Copyright”, or the abbreviation, e.g., © 2019 Taxocrate, Copyright 2019 Taxocrate. In the Copyright symbol, the letter “c” is enclosed in a circle: ©.
The Copyright logo
A Copyright logo typically consists of a symbol with the word “Copyright” or the abbreviation “Copr.” Copyright law protects different types of works from infringement and identifies whose rights they are. It is the owner of those rights who controls what happens to their creative works, including how they can be used, copied, or shared.
In Pakistan Copyright Registration Application
Copyright Registration in Pakistan is an option for applicants who wish to protect their intellectual property. A Copyright Registration process involves placing two advertisements in leading Pakistani newspapers to prove that they are the rightful owners. As proof of ownership, the Copyright Office will issue a certificate. The following are some important facts about Copyright Registration in Pakistan, along with some benefits.
Copyright Registration requires ownership of the work by the applicant
In order to register a Copyright, the owner of the work or the person who has power of attorney must own the work. It is generally necessary to provide this protection to both published and unpublished works. Through Copyright Registration, unauthorized use of the work can be prevented and legal remedies can be obtained. Public performances can result from sound recordings, for example. Similarly, Copyright Registration protects the original work and prevents piracy.
Copyright Registration protects the goodwill of the creator
Having a Copyright registered in Pakistan protects a creator’s goodwill and restricts the use of his or her work. Fill out the application form with the relevant information, including the incorporation or registration certificate of the company or firm, soft copies of the work, and a CD with the code for the work. A Copyright journal will publish the application once it has been approved, inviting opposition. Before claiming authorship, applicants must wait one month.

Is a trademark search required for Copyright Registration?
Conduct a thorough trademark search before applying for Copyright Registration in Pakistan. There may already be similar marks or copies of the work on the register. The performance of a trademark search is not required to file an application for Copyright Registration in Pakistan, but it will increase the chances of success in the application. By following the steps outlined above, you can get the protection you need in Pakistan.
The term of Copyright is 50 years or until the owner’s death
Upon approval of your application for Copyright Registration, the Registrar will enter the details of your work into the Register of Copyrights. Your registration application may be approved or refused by the Registrar if there is a discrepancy. After completing the form, you will receive a copy of the entries in the Register of Copyrights. Your work has a fifty-year Copyright, or for the rest of your life.
The Copyright applies to both published and unpublished works
There are several categories of works of authorship:
- Works of literature
- Works of music, including any accompanying text
- The music accompanying dramatic works
- Pantomimes and choreography
- Work in the visual, graphic, and sculptural arts
- Films and other audiovisual works
- A recording of sound
- Work in architecture
Copyrights cannot also be applied to certain categories of works. The following are among them:
- Short phrases and titles
- Those works that aren’t fixed in any tangible form (for example, spontaneous speeches or extemporaneous comments).
- Procedures, methods, and systems (but see below for how they are expressed)
- Forms that can be used to record information
Pakistani Copyright Registration Costs in Karachi, Islamabad, and Lahore
In Karachi, Islamabad, and Lahore, the cost of Copyright Registration varies due to differences in the facts of each case.
Copyright Registration in Pakistan has many benefits, including ensuring that Copyright is legally protected. The Copyright owner has adequate legal evidence in court once the Copyright has been registered. The Copyright certificate provides the true owner with the right to recover actual damages and earnings, as well as prevents piracy. Contact an attorney today if you need help registering your Copyright by calling (+92) 316 66 44 789 or through our website
. The following tips can help you learn more about Copyright Registration in Pakistan.
A Copyright Registration fee includes lawyer’s fees
Lawyers and doctors charge professional fees based on their experience, legal knowledge, and efficiency. First, you must decide what kind of work you want to protect. Consider Pakistan’s Copyright Registration costs. Costs can vary, but they are generally between Rs. 50,000 and 75,000. Application for registration must be filed by a legal professional, and it can take several months. Depending on the type of work, registration fees vary. If you want to protect a poem, for instance, you can apply for a posthumous license.
The Copyright process can be tedious and time-consuming
A Copyright can be obtained in Pakistan once you have chosen a type of work. The process, however, can be time-consuming, costly, and tedious. Furthermore, the best edition of the work must be submitted for Copyright Registration in Pakistan. In court, you can use Copyright Registration to support your claim. Using a professional Copyright service simplifies the process.
Copyrights Journal publication
The IPO will review the application after it is filed to determine whether it is registrable in Pakistan. Upon acceptance, the work/sign will be published in the Copyrights Journal, and any interested party may object. The deadline for raising objections is two months from the date of publication. Despite not knowing of a competitor, it is possible to file an opposition. You can renew your opposition as many times as you need during the two-month opposition period.
The time required to register a Copyright
A Copyrightable work must first be registered. It will take time, and you must follow the correct steps. You should be able to register your Copyright within a week if you have done everything correctly. There are some important factors to keep in mind during the process, even though it is relatively simple. You must first understand the laws regarding Copyright. There are different Copyright laws in Pakistan depending on the type of work you create.
The Copyright law gives you the right to control how your artistic or scientific work is used
Copyright law in Pakistan gives creators/owners control over how their work is used. The purpose of this protection is to advance knowledge. Among literary works are books, newspapers, magazines, lectures, and computer programs. Among the artistic works are photographs, maps, calligraphy, charts, and logos. Music and recordings, on the other hand, are considered musical works. It takes time to register a Copyright in Pakistan.
The Registrar of Copyrights and The Copyright Office
There is a Copyright Office at IPO Pakistan. Different Copyrighted works can be registered with the Copyright Office. Applications for Copyrighted works are processed and reviewed by the Registrar of Copyrights. A Copyrighted work cannot be copied without the author’s permission once it has been registered. The author can charge a fee for using his creation. It’s important to know that Copyrighted works aren’t the only ones that need to be registered.

Copyright Registration Certificates Can Be Beneficial
The Copyright details you submit will be entered into the Copyright register by the Registrar once you have filed your application. As soon as the registration process is complete, you’ll receive a certificate of registration and copies of your entries in the Register of Copyrights. In addition, the registration certificate proves that you are the true owner of your Copyright work. A Copyright Registration certificate can be useful in many situations, but it is not required.
Can the Copyright be transferred to another party?
Transfers of Copyright rights are not voidable under any laws. By mutual consent or through session courts, it is possible to cancel the transfer of rights. Copyright works cannot be transferred to another party in either case. Therefore, it is advisable to register Copyright rights whenever possible. Here are the steps you need to follow.
You must be the author of a work to register its Copyright in Pakistan. Copyright can only be assigned to a third party if the recipient is the rightful owner. In addition, Copyright rights cannot be transferred for more than 10 years, with exceptions for government bodies, educational institutions, religious organizations, and non-profit organizations. After this period, the author automatically regains ownership of the work. Furthermore, if the author dies before the ten years are up, his representative in interest will inherit the rights.
Your Copyright work will be entered into the Register of Copyrights once it has been registered with the Copyright Registrar. The applicant will receive a copy of the entries in the Register of Copyrights after the registration is complete. In accordance with Section 20 of the Copyright Ordinance, 1962, the Copyright in a published work lasts for the lifetime of the author.
Copyright Registration Service Fee of Our Attorney
Our professional legal services are provided to provide legal protection for your work, not to sell any products. We have vast experience in our field, so you can’t compare our proficiency with that of a novice. However, we charge a minimum fee for Copyright Registration services, ranging from 20,000 to 25,000. This fee also includes “OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSES”. Contact us for our services of copyright registration by calling (+92) 316 66 44 789 or through our website